Thursday, October 4, 2007

And the crappy boss award goes to.....

Okay, and now the news about my job. So i got to work on Monday and there was this strange girl sitting at my desk. I also noticed that all my stuff had been cleaned off my desk. I just kinda looked at her and she was like "Oh sorry, Um Jelena isn't here if you want you use her desk. I'm new and i'm going to be sitting here now. They talked about moving you somewhere else". I was totalyl thrown off. So i went and sat at Jelena's desk and started working. Then she comes over and asks how to use the copier, and the printer, and just about every other piece of office machinary that we own! Turns out, she was doing all my work. Yes, that's right folks, they hired another girl to take over all my work. I was livid. My boss said they were planning on moving me to another desk and that she had some huge project that she wanted me to do and that is why they hired another girl to take over my work. Yeah right! I'll believe it when I see it. So next day, i got to work and put my new desk together. Yeah, not only did they kick me out of my spot and let the other chick use my computer and give her all my work, they made me put my own desk together. I am a pro though, as i just barely helped my roommate put one together. But turns out, I am all alone in the very back of the office is a turn little corner with hardly any light. Its kinda a crappy spot. And I have still yet to find out what this "huge project" is. Plus, I checked some of the new invoices that the new girl did...pretty much done all wrong and they are all gonna get sent back. Although, I am trying to be as nice as I can to her cuz it's not really her fault that my bosses kinda low-balled me. So i am stuck in the back, alone, with no project and no computer. I sure hope that I get into my program so that I can quit in january! Cuz things are starting to go downhill at the good old Distance Education Business Office!


mary plus vince said...

whoa! total lame sauce! I hope your boss ... um ... trips on the sidewalk and breaks his nose. Yeah! I think that will teach him a lesson!

Samantha Kennicott said...

That is so crappy. How did your interview go for your program? I hope you get in, too! And I hope your boss gets a really bad paper cut. ;)